# Client


A user can query and interact with the bank module using the CLI.

# Query

The query commands allow users to query bank state.

Copy simd query bank --help

# balances

The balances command allows users to query account balances by address.

Copy simd query bank balances [address] [flags]


Copy simd query bank balances cosmos1..

Example Output:

Copy balances: - amount: "1000000000" denom: stake pagination: next_key: null total: "0"

# denom-metadata

The denom-metadata command allows users to query metadata for coin denominations. A user can query metadata for a single denomination using the --denom flag or all denominations without it.

Copy simd query bank denom-metadata [flags]


Copy simd query bank denom-metadata --denom stake

Example Output:

Copy metadata: base: stake denom_units: - aliases: - STAKE denom: stake description: native staking token of simulation app display: stake name: SimApp Token symbol: STK

# total

The total command allows users to query the total supply of coins. A user can query the total supply for a single coin using the --denom flag or all coins without it.

Copy simd query bank total [flags]


Copy simd query bank total --denom stake

Example Output:

Copy amount: "10000000000" denom: stake

# Transactions

The tx commands allow users to interact with the bank module.

Copy simd tx bank --help

# send

The send command allows users to send funds from one account to another.

Copy simd tx bank send [from_key_or_address] [to_address] [amount] [flags]


Copy simd tx bank send cosmos1.. cosmos1.. 100stake

# gRPC

A user can query the bank module using gRPC endpoints.

# Balance

The Balance endpoint allows users to query account balance by address for a given denomination.

Copy cosmos.bank.v1beta1.Query/Balance


Copy grpcurl -plaintext \ -d '{"address":"cosmos1..","denom":"stake"}' \ localhost:9090 \ cosmos.bank.v1beta1.Query/Balance

Example Output:

Copy { "balance": { "denom": "stake", "amount": "1000000000" } }

# AllBalances

The AllBalances endpoint allows users to query account balance by address for all denominations.

Copy cosmos.bank.v1beta1.Query/AllBalances


Copy grpcurl -plaintext \ -d '{"address":"cosmos1.."}' \ localhost:9090 \ cosmos.bank.v1beta1.Query/AllBalances

Example Output:

Copy { "balances": [ { "denom": "stake", "amount": "1000000000" } ], "pagination": { "total": "1" } }

# DenomMetadata

The DenomMetadata endpoint allows users to query metadata for a single coin denomination.

Copy cosmos.bank.v1beta1.Query/DenomMetadata


Copy grpcurl -plaintext \ -d '{"denom":"stake"}' \ localhost:9090 \ cosmos.bank.v1beta1.Query/DenomMetadata

Example Output:

Copy { "metadata": { "description": "native staking token of simulation app", "denomUnits": [ { "denom": "stake", "aliases": [ "STAKE" ] } ], "base": "stake", "display": "stake", "name": "SimApp Token", "symbol": "STK" } }

# DenomsMetadata

The DenomsMetadata endpoint allows users to query metadata for all coin denominations.

Copy cosmos.bank.v1beta1.Query/DenomsMetadata


Copy grpcurl -plaintext \ localhost:9090 \ cosmos.bank.v1beta1.Query/DenomsMetadata

Example Output:

Copy { "metadatas": [ { "description": "native staking token of simulation app", "denomUnits": [ { "denom": "stake", "aliases": [ "STAKE" ] } ], "base": "stake", "display": "stake", "name": "SimApp Token", "symbol": "STK" } ], "pagination": { "total": "1" } }

# DenomOwners

The DenomOwners endpoint allows users to query metadata for a single coin denomination.

Copy cosmos.bank.v1beta1.Query/DenomOwners


Copy grpcurl -plaintext \ -d '{"denom":"stake"}' \ localhost:9090 \ cosmos.bank.v1beta1.Query/DenomOwners

Example Output:

Copy { "denomOwners": [ { "address": "cosmos1..", "balance": { "denom": "stake", "amount": "5000000000" } }, { "address": "cosmos1..", "balance": { "denom": "stake", "amount": "5000000000" } }, ], "pagination": { "total": "2" } }

# TotalSupply

The TotalSupply endpoint allows users to query the total supply of all coins.

Copy cosmos.bank.v1beta1.Query/TotalSupply


Copy grpcurl -plaintext \ localhost:9090 \ cosmos.bank.v1beta1.Query/TotalSupply

Example Output:

Copy { "supply": [ { "denom": "stake", "amount": "10000000000" } ], "pagination": { "total": "1" } }

# SupplyOf

The SupplyOf endpoint allows users to query the total supply of a single coin.

Copy cosmos.bank.v1beta1.Query/SupplyOf


Copy grpcurl -plaintext \ -d '{"denom":"stake"}' \ localhost:9090 \ cosmos.bank.v1beta1.Query/SupplyOf

Example Output:

Copy { "amount": { "denom": "stake", "amount": "10000000000" } }

# Params

The Params endpoint allows users to query the parameters of the bank module.

Copy cosmos.bank.v1beta1.Query/Params


Copy grpcurl -plaintext \ localhost:9090 \ cosmos.bank.v1beta1.Query/Params

Example Output:

Copy { "params": { "defaultSendEnabled": true } }