# Client


A user can query and interact with the mint module using the CLI.

# Query

The query commands allow users to query mint state.

Copy simd query mint --help

# annual-provisions

The annual-provisions command allow users to query the current minting annual provisions value

Copy simd query mint annual-provisions [flags]


Copy simd query mint annual-provisions

Example Output:

Copy 22268504368893.612100895088410693

# inflation

The inflation command allow users to query the current minting inflation value

Copy simd query mint inflation [flags]


Copy simd query mint inflation

Example Output:

Copy 0.199200302563256955

# params

The params command allow users to query the current minting parameters

Copy simd query mint params [flags]


Copy blocks_per_year: "4360000" goal_bonded: "0.670000000000000000" inflation_max: "0.200000000000000000" inflation_min: "0.070000000000000000" inflation_rate_change: "0.130000000000000000" mint_denom: stake

# gRPC

A user can query the mint module using gRPC endpoints.

# AnnualProvisions

The AnnualProvisions endpoint allow users to query the current minting annual provisions value

Copy /cosmos.mint.v1beta1.Query/AnnualProvisions


Copy grpcurl -plaintext localhost:9090 cosmos.mint.v1beta1.Query/AnnualProvisions

Example Output:

Copy { "annualProvisions": "1432452520532626265712995618" }

# Inflation

The Inflation endpoint allow users to query the current minting inflation value

Copy /cosmos.mint.v1beta1.Query/Inflation


Copy grpcurl -plaintext localhost:9090 cosmos.mint.v1beta1.Query/Inflation

Example Output:

Copy { "inflation": "130197115720711261" }

# Params

The Params endpoint allow users to query the current minting parameters

Copy /cosmos.mint.v1beta1.Query/Params


Copy grpcurl -plaintext localhost:9090 cosmos.mint.v1beta1.Query/Params

Example Output:

Copy { "params": { "mintDenom": "stake", "inflationRateChange": "130000000000000000", "inflationMax": "200000000000000000", "inflationMin": "70000000000000000", "goalBonded": "670000000000000000", "blocksPerYear": "6311520" } }


A user can query the mint module using REST endpoints.

# annual-provisions

Copy /cosmos/mint/v1beta1/annual_provisions


Copy curl "localhost:1317/cosmos/mint/v1beta1/annual_provisions"

Example Output:

Copy { "annualProvisions": "1432452520532626265712995618" }

# inflation

Copy /cosmos/mint/v1beta1/inflation


Copy curl "localhost:1317/cosmos/mint/v1beta1/inflation"

Example Output:

Copy { "inflation": "130197115720711261" }

# params

Copy /cosmos/mint/v1beta1/params


Copy curl "localhost:1317/cosmos/mint/v1beta1/params"

Example Output:

Copy { "params": { "mintDenom": "stake", "inflationRateChange": "130000000000000000", "inflationMax": "200000000000000000", "inflationMin": "70000000000000000", "goalBonded": "670000000000000000", "blocksPerYear": "6311520" } }