# Client


A user can query and interact with the gov module using the CLI.

# Query

The query commands allow users to query gov state.

Copy simd query gov --help

# deposit

The deposit command allows users to query a deposit for a given proposal from a given depositor.

Copy simd query gov deposit [proposal-id] [depositer-addr] [flags]


Copy simd query gov deposit 1 cosmos1..

Example Output:

Copy amount: - amount: "100" denom: stake depositor: cosmos1.. proposal_id: "1"

# deposits

The deposits command allows users to query all deposits for a given proposal.

Copy simd query gov deposits [proposal-id] [flags]


Copy simd query gov deposits 1

Example Output:

Copy deposits: - amount: - amount: "100" denom: stake depositor: cosmos1.. proposal_id: "1" pagination: next_key: null total: "0"

# param

The param command allows users to query a given parameter for the gov module.

Copy simd query gov param [param-type] [flags]


Copy simd query gov param voting

Example Output:

Copy voting_period: "172800000000000"

# params

The params command allows users to query all parameters for the gov module.

Copy simd query gov params [flags]


Copy simd query gov params

Example Output:

Copy deposit_params: max_deposit_period: "172800000000000" min_deposit: - amount: "10000000" denom: stake tally_params: quorum: "0.334000000000000000" threshold: "0.500000000000000000" veto_threshold: "0.334000000000000000" voting_params: voting_period: "172800000000000"

# proposal

The proposal command allows users to query a given proposal.

Copy simd query gov proposal [proposal-id] [flags]


Copy simd query gov proposal 1

Example Output:

Copy content: '@type': /cosmos.gov.v1beta1.TextProposal description: testing, testing, 1, 2, 3 title: Test Proposal deposit_end_time: "2021-09-17T23:36:18.254995423Z" final_tally_result: abstain: "0" "no": "0" no_with_veto: "0" "yes": "0" proposal_id: "1" status: PROPOSAL_STATUS_DEPOSIT_PERIOD submit_time: "2021-09-15T23:36:18.254995423Z" total_deposit: - amount: "100" denom: stake voting_end_time: "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" voting_start_time: "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"

# proposals

The proposals command allows users to query all proposals with optional filters.

Copy simd query gov proposals [flags]


Copy simd query gov proposals

Example Output:

Copy pagination: next_key: null total: "1" proposals: - content: '@type': /cosmos.gov.v1beta1.TextProposal description: testing, testing, 1, 2, 3 title: Test Proposal deposit_end_time: "2021-09-17T23:36:18.254995423Z" final_tally_result: abstain: "0" "no": "0" no_with_veto: "0" "yes": "0" proposal_id: "1" status: PROPOSAL_STATUS_DEPOSIT_PERIOD submit_time: "2021-09-15T23:36:18.254995423Z" total_deposit: - amount: "100" denom: stake voting_end_time: "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" voting_start_time: "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"

# proposer

The proposer command allows users to query the proposer for a given proposal.

Copy simd query gov proposer [proposal-id] [flags]


Copy simd query gov proposer 1

Example Output:

Copy proposal_id: "1" proposer: cosmos1r0tllwu5c9dtgwg3wr28lpvf76hg85f5zmh9l2

# tally

The tally command allows users to query the tally of a given proposal vote.

Copy simd query gov tally [proposal-id] [flags]


Copy simd query gov tally 1

Example Output:

Copy abstain: "0" "no": "0" no_with_veto: "0" "yes": "1"

# vote

The vote command allows users to query a vote for a given proposal.

Copy simd query gov vote [proposal-id] [voter-addr] [flags]


Copy simd query gov vote 1 cosmos1..

Example Output:

Copy option: VOTE_OPTION_YES options: - option: VOTE_OPTION_YES weight: "1.000000000000000000" proposal_id: "1" voter: cosmos1..

# votes

The votes command allows users to query all votes for a given proposal.

Copy simd query gov votes [proposal-id] [flags]


Copy simd query gov votes 1

Example Output:

Copy pagination: next_key: null total: "0" votes: - option: VOTE_OPTION_YES options: - option: VOTE_OPTION_YES weight: "1.000000000000000000" proposal_id: "1" voter: cosmos1r0tllwu5c9dtgwg3wr28lpvf76hg85f5zmh9l2

# Transactions

The tx commands allow users to interact with the gov module.

Copy simd tx gov --help

# deposit

The deposit command allows users to deposit tokens for a given proposal.

Copy simd tx gov deposit [proposal-id] [deposit] [flags]


Copy simd tx gov deposit 1 10000000stake --from cosmos1..

# submit-proposal

The submit-proposal command allows users to submit a governance proposal and to optionally include an initial deposit.

Copy simd tx gov submit-proposal [command] [flags]


Copy simd tx gov submit-proposal --title="Test Proposal" --description="testing, testing, 1, 2, 3" --type="Text" --deposit="10000000stake" --from cosmos1..

Example (cancel-software-upgrade):

Copy simd tx gov submit-proposal cancel-software-upgrade --title="Test Proposal" --description="testing, testing, 1, 2, 3" --deposit="10000000stake" --from cosmos1..

Example (community-pool-spend):

Copy simd tx gov submit-proposal community-pool-spend proposal.json --from cosmos1.. Copy { "title": "Test Proposal", "description": "testing, testing, 1, 2, 3", "recipient": "cosmos1..", "amount": "10000000stake", "deposit": "10000000stake" }

Example (param-change):

Copy simd tx gov submit-proposal param-change proposal.json --from cosmos1.. Copy { "title": "Test Proposal", "description": "testing, testing, 1, 2, 3", "changes": [ { "subspace": "staking", "key": "MaxValidators", "value": 100 } ], "deposit": "10000000stake" }

Example (software-upgrade):

Copy simd tx gov submit-proposal software-upgrade v2 --title="Test Proposal" --description="testing, testing, 1, 2, 3" --upgrade-height 1000000 --from cosmos1..

# vote

The vote command allows users to submit a vote for a given governance proposal.

Copy simd tx gov vote [command] [flags]


Copy simd tx gov vote 1 yes --from cosmos1..

# weighted-vote

The weighted-vote command allows users to submit a weighted vote for a given governance proposal.

Copy simd tx gov weighted-vote [proposal-id] [weighted-options]


Copy simd tx gov weighted-vote 1 yes=0.5,no=0.5 --from cosmos1

# gRPC

A user can query the gov module using gRPC endpoints.

# Proposal

The Proposal endpoint allows users to query a given proposal.

Copy cosmos.gov.v1beta1.Query/Proposal


Copy grpcurl -plaintext \ -d '{"proposal_id":"1"}' \ localhost:9090 \ cosmos.gov.v1beta1.Query/Proposal

Example Output:

Copy { "proposal": { "proposalId": "1", "content": {"@type":"/cosmos.gov.v1beta1.TextProposal","description":"testing, testing, 1, 2, 3","title":"Test Proposal"}, "status": "PROPOSAL_STATUS_VOTING_PERIOD", "finalTallyResult": { "yes": "0", "abstain": "0", "no": "0", "noWithVeto": "0" }, "submitTime": "2021-09-16T19:40:08.712440474Z", "depositEndTime": "2021-09-18T19:40:08.712440474Z", "totalDeposit": [ { "denom": "stake", "amount": "10000000" } ], "votingStartTime": "2021-09-16T19:40:08.712440474Z", "votingEndTime": "2021-09-18T19:40:08.712440474Z" } }

# Proposals

The Proposals endpoint allows users to query all proposals with optional filters.

Copy cosmos.gov.v1beta1.Query/Proposals


Copy grpcurl -plaintext \ localhost:9090 \ cosmos.gov.v1beta1.Query/Proposals

Example Output:

Copy { "proposals": [ { "proposalId": "1", "content": {"@type":"/cosmos.gov.v1beta1.TextProposal","description":"testing, testing, 1, 2, 3","title":"Test Proposal"}, "status": "PROPOSAL_STATUS_VOTING_PERIOD", "finalTallyResult": { "yes": "0", "abstain": "0", "no": "0", "noWithVeto": "0" }, "submitTime": "2021-09-16T19:40:08.712440474Z", "depositEndTime": "2021-09-18T19:40:08.712440474Z", "totalDeposit": [ { "denom": "stake", "amount": "10000000" } ], "votingStartTime": "2021-09-16T19:40:08.712440474Z", "votingEndTime": "2021-09-18T19:40:08.712440474Z" }, { "proposalId": "2", "content": {"@type":"/cosmos.upgrade.v1beta1.CancelSoftwareUpgradeProposal","description":"Test Proposal","title":"testing, testing, 1, 2, 3"}, "status": "PROPOSAL_STATUS_DEPOSIT_PERIOD", "finalTallyResult": { "yes": "0", "abstain": "0", "no": "0", "noWithVeto": "0" }, "submitTime": "2021-09-17T18:26:57.866854713Z", "depositEndTime": "2021-09-19T18:26:57.866854713Z", "votingStartTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "votingEndTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" } ], "pagination": { "total": "2" } }

# Vote

The Vote endpoint allows users to query a vote for a given proposal.

Copy cosmos.gov.v1beta1.Query/Vote


Copy grpcurl -plaintext \ -d '{"proposal_id":"1","voter":"cosmos1.."}' \ localhost:9090 \ cosmos.gov.v1beta1.Query/Vote

Example Output:

Copy { "vote": { "proposalId": "1", "voter": "cosmos1..", "option": "VOTE_OPTION_YES", "options": [ { "option": "VOTE_OPTION_YES", "weight": "1000000000000000000" } ] } }

# Votes

The Votes endpoint allows users to query all votes for a given proposal.

Copy cosmos.gov.v1beta1.Query/Votes


Copy grpcurl -plaintext \ -d '{"proposal_id":"1"}' \ localhost:9090 \ cosmos.gov.v1beta1.Query/Votes

Example Output:

Copy { "votes": [ { "proposalId": "1", "voter": "cosmos1..", "option": "VOTE_OPTION_YES", "options": [ { "option": "VOTE_OPTION_YES", "weight": "1000000000000000000" } ] } ], "pagination": { "total": "1" } }

# Params

The Params endpoint allows users to query all parameters for the gov module.

Copy cosmos.gov.v1beta1.Query/Params


Copy grpcurl -plaintext \ -d '{"params_type":"voting"}' \ localhost:9090 \ cosmos.gov.v1beta1.Query/Params

Example Output:

Copy { "votingParams": { "votingPeriod": "172800s" }, "depositParams": { "maxDepositPeriod": "0s" }, "tallyParams": { "quorum": "MA==", "threshold": "MA==", "vetoThreshold": "MA==" } }

# Deposit

The Deposit endpoint allows users to query a deposit for a given proposal from a given depositor.

Copy cosmos.gov.v1beta1.Query/Deposit


Copy grpcurl -plaintext \ '{"proposal_id":"1","depositor":"cosmos1.."}' \ localhost:9090 \ cosmos.gov.v1beta1.Query/Deposit

Example Output:

Copy { "deposit": { "proposalId": "1", "depositor": "cosmos1..", "amount": [ { "denom": "stake", "amount": "10000000" } ] } }

# deposits

The Deposits endpoint allows users to query all deposits for a given proposal.

Copy cosmos.gov.v1beta1.Query/Deposits


Copy grpcurl -plaintext \ -d '{"proposal_id":"1"}' \ localhost:9090 \ cosmos.gov.v1beta1.Query/Deposits

Example Output:

Copy { "deposits": [ { "proposalId": "1", "depositor": "cosmos1..", "amount": [ { "denom": "stake", "amount": "10000000" } ] } ], "pagination": { "total": "1" } }

# TallyResult

The TallyResult endpoint allows users to query the tally of a given proposal.

Copy cosmos.gov.v1beta1.Query/TallyResult


Copy grpcurl -plaintext \ -d '{"proposal_id":"1"}' \ localhost:9090 \ cosmos.gov.v1beta1.Query/TallyResult

Example Output:

Copy { "tally": { "yes": "1000000", "abstain": "0", "no": "0", "noWithVeto": "0" } }


A user can query the gov module using REST endpoints.

# proposal

The proposals endpoint allows users to query a given proposal.

Copy /cosmos/gov/v1beta1/proposals/{proposal_id}


Copy curl localhost:1317/cosmos/gov/v1beta1/proposals/1

Example Output:

Copy { "proposal": { "proposal_id": "1", "content": { "@type": "/cosmos.gov.v1beta1.TextProposal", "title": "Test Proposal", "description": "testing, testing, 1, 2, 3" }, "status": "PROPOSAL_STATUS_VOTING_PERIOD", "final_tally_result": { "yes": "0", "abstain": "0", "no": "0", "no_with_veto": "0" }, "submit_time": "2021-09-16T19:40:08.712440474Z", "deposit_end_time": "2021-09-18T19:40:08.712440474Z", "total_deposit": [ { "denom": "stake", "amount": "10000000" } ], "voting_start_time": "2021-09-16T19:40:08.712440474Z", "voting_end_time": "2021-09-18T19:40:08.712440474Z" } }

# proposals

The proposals endpoint also allows users to query all proposals with optional filters.

Copy /cosmos/gov/v1beta1/proposals


Copy curl localhost:1317/cosmos/gov/v1beta1/proposals

Example Output:

Copy { "proposals": [ { "proposal_id": "1", "content": { "@type": "/cosmos.gov.v1beta1.TextProposal", "title": "Test Proposal", "description": "testing, testing, 1, 2, 3" }, "status": "PROPOSAL_STATUS_VOTING_PERIOD", "final_tally_result": { "yes": "0", "abstain": "0", "no": "0", "no_with_veto": "0" }, "submit_time": "2021-09-16T19:40:08.712440474Z", "deposit_end_time": "2021-09-18T19:40:08.712440474Z", "total_deposit": [ { "denom": "stake", "amount": "10000000" } ], "voting_start_time": "2021-09-16T19:40:08.712440474Z", "voting_end_time": "2021-09-18T19:40:08.712440474Z" }, { "proposal_id": "2", "content": { "@type": "/cosmos.upgrade.v1beta1.CancelSoftwareUpgradeProposal", "title": "Test Proposal", "description": "testing, testing, 1, 2, 3" }, "status": "PROPOSAL_STATUS_DEPOSIT_PERIOD", "final_tally_result": { "yes": "0", "abstain": "0", "no": "0", "no_with_veto": "0" }, "submit_time": "2021-09-17T18:26:57.866854713Z", "deposit_end_time": "2021-09-19T18:26:57.866854713Z", "total_deposit": [ ], "voting_start_time": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "voting_end_time": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" } ], "pagination": { "next_key": null, "total": "2" } }

# voter vote

The votes endpoint allows users to query a vote for a given proposal.

Copy /cosmos/gov/v1beta1/proposals/{proposal_id}/votes/{voter}


Copy curl localhost:1317/cosmos/gov/v1beta1/proposals/1/votes/cosmos1..

Example Output:

Copy { "vote": { "proposal_id": "1", "voter": "cosmos1..", "option": "VOTE_OPTION_YES", "options": [ { "option": "VOTE_OPTION_YES", "weight": "1.000000000000000000" } ] } }

# votes

The votes endpoint allows users to query all votes for a given proposal.

Copy /cosmos/gov/v1beta1/proposals/{proposal_id}/votes


Copy curl localhost:1317/cosmos/gov/v1beta1/proposals/1/votes

Example Output:

Copy { "votes": [ { "proposal_id": "1", "voter": "cosmos1..", "option": "VOTE_OPTION_YES", "options": [ { "option": "VOTE_OPTION_YES", "weight": "1.000000000000000000" } ] } ], "pagination": { "next_key": null, "total": "1" } }

# params

The params endpoint allows users to query all parameters for the gov module.

Copy /cosmos/gov/v1beta1/params/{params_type}


Copy curl localhost:1317/cosmos/gov/v1beta1/params/voting

Example Output:

Copy { "voting_params": { "voting_period": "172800s" }, "deposit_params": { "min_deposit": [ ], "max_deposit_period": "0s" }, "tally_params": { "quorum": "0.000000000000000000", "threshold": "0.000000000000000000", "veto_threshold": "0.000000000000000000" } }

# deposits

The deposits endpoint allows users to query a deposit for a given proposal from a given depositor.

Copy /cosmos/gov/v1beta1/proposals/{proposal_id}/deposits/{depositor}


Copy curl localhost:1317/cosmos/gov/v1beta1/proposals/1/deposits/cosmos1..

Example Output:

Copy { "deposit": { "proposal_id": "1", "depositor": "cosmos1..", "amount": [ { "denom": "stake", "amount": "10000000" } ] } }

# proposal deposits

The deposits endpoint allows users to query all deposits for a given proposal.

Copy /cosmos/gov/v1beta1/proposals/{proposal_id}/deposits


Copy curl localhost:1317/cosmos/gov/v1beta1/proposals/1/deposits

Example Output:

Copy { "deposits": [ { "proposal_id": "1", "depositor": "cosmos1..", "amount": [ { "denom": "stake", "amount": "10000000" } ] } ], "pagination": { "next_key": null, "total": "1" } }

# tally

The tally endpoint allows users to query the tally of a given proposal.

Copy /cosmos/gov/v1beta1/proposals/{proposal_id}/tally


Copy curl localhost:1317/cosmos/gov/v1beta1/proposals/1/tally

Example Output:

Copy { "tally": { "yes": "1000000", "abstain": "0", "no": "0", "no_with_veto": "0" } }