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This document details how to build CLI and REST interfaces for a module. Examples from various Cosmos SDK modules are included.


Pre-requisite Readings

The autocli package is a Go library for generating CLI (command line interface) interfaces for Cosmos SDK-based applications. It provides a simple way to add CLI commands to your application by generating them automatically based on your gRPC service definitions. Autocli generates CLI commands and flags directly from your protobuf messages, including options, input parameters, and output parameters. This means that you can easily add a CLI interface to your application without having to manually create and manage commands.

Getting Started

Here are the steps to use the autocli package:

  1. Define your app's modules that implement the appmodule.AppModule interface.
  2. Configure how behave autocli command generation, by implementing the func (am AppModule) AutoCLIOptions() *autocliv1.ModuleOptions method on the module. Learn more here.
  3. Use the autocli.AppOptions struct to specifies the modules you defined. If you are using the depinject package to manage your app's dependencies, it can automatically create an instance of autocli.AppOptions based on your app's configuration.
  4. Use the EnhanceRootCommand() method provided by autocli to add the CLI commands for the specified modules to your root command and can also be found in the client/v2/autocli/app.go file. Additionally, this method adds the autocli functionality to your app's root command. This method is additive only, meaning that it does not create commands if they are already registered for a module. Instead, it adds any missing commands to the root command.

Here's an example of how to use autocli:

// Define your app's modules
testModules := map[string]appmodule.AppModule{
"testModule": &TestModule{},

// Define the autocli AppOptions
autoCliOpts := autocli.AppOptions{
Modules: testModules,

// Get the root command
rootCmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "app",

// Enhance the root command with autocli
autocli.EnhanceRootCommand(rootCmd, autoCliOpts)

// Run the root command
if err := rootCmd.Execute(); err != nil {


autocli generates flags for each field in a protobuf message. By default, the names of the flags are generated based on the names of the fields in the message. You can customise the flag names using the namingOptions parameter of the Builder.AddMessageFlags() method.

To define flags for a message, you can use the Builder.AddMessageFlags() method. This method takes the cobra.Command instance and the message type as input, and generates flags for each field in the message.


The binder variable returned by the AddMessageFlags() method is used to bind the command-line arguments to the fields in the message.

You can also customise the behavior of the flags using the namingOptions parameter of the Builder.AddMessageFlags() method. This parameter allows you to specify a custom prefix for the flags, and to specify whether to generate flags for repeated fields and whether to generate flags for fields with default values.

Commands and Queries

The autocli package generates CLI commands and flags for each method defined in your gRPC service. By default, it generates commands for each RPC method that does not return a stream of messages. The commands are named based on the name of the service method.

For example, given the following protobuf definition for a service:

service MyService {
rpc MyMethod(MyRequest) returns (MyResponse) {}

autocli will generate a command named my-method for the MyMethod method. The command will have flags for each field in the MyRequest message.

If you want to customise the behavior of a command, you can define a custom command by implementing the autocli.Command interface. You can then register the command with the autocli.Builder instance for your application.

Similarly, you can define a custom query by implementing the autocli.Query interface. You can then register the query with the autocli.Builder instance for your application.

To add a custom command or query, you can use the Builder.AddCustomCommand or Builder.AddCustomQuery methods, respectively. These methods take a cobra.Command or cobra.Command instance, respectively, which can be used to define the behavior of the command or query.

Advanced Usage

Specifying Subcommands

By default, autocli generates a command for each method in your gRPC service. However, you can specify subcommands to group related commands together. To specify subcommands, you can use the autocliv1.ServiceCommandDescriptor struct.

This example shows how to use the autocliv1.ServiceCommandDescriptor struct to group related commands together and specify subcommands in your gRPC service by defining an instance of autocliv1.ModuleOptions in your autocli.go file.


The AutoCLIOptions() method in the autocli package allows you to specify the services and sub-commands to be mapped for your app. In the example code, an instance of the autocliv1.ModuleOptions struct is defined in the appmodule.AppModule implementation located in the x/gov/autocli.go file. This configuration groups related commands together and specifies subcommands for each service.

Positional Arguments

Positional arguments are arguments that are passed to a command without being specified as a flag. They are typically used for providing additional context to a command, such as a filename or search query.

To add positional arguments to a command, you can use the autocliv1.PositionalArgDescriptor struct, as seen in the example below. You need to specify the ProtoField parameter, which is the name of the protobuf field that should be used as the positional argument. In addition, if the parameter is a variable-length argument, you can specify the Varargs parameter as true. This can only be applied to the last positional parameter, and the ProtoField must be a repeated field.

Here's an example of how to define a positional argument for the Account method of the auth service:


Here are some example commands that use the positional arguments we defined above:

To query an account by address:

<appd> query auth account

To query an account address by account number:

<appd> query auth address-by-acc-num 1

In both of these commands, the auth service is being queried with the query subcommand, followed by the specific method being called (account or address-by-acc-num). The positional argument is included at the end of the command ( or 1) to specify the address or account number, respectively.

Customising Flag Names

By default, autocli generates flag names based on the names of the fields in your protobuf message. However, you can customise the flag names by providing a FlagOptions parameter to the Builder.AddMessageFlags() method. This parameter allows you to specify custom names for flags based on the names of the message fields. For example, if you have a message with the fields test and test1, you can use the following naming options to customise the flags

options := autocliv1.RpcCommandOptions{ 
FlagOptions: map[string]*autocliv1.FlagOptions{
"test": { Name: "custom_name", },
"test1": { Name: "other_name", },

builder.AddMessageFlags(message, options)

Note that autocliv1.RpcCommandOptions is a field of the autocliv1.ServiceCommandDescriptor struct, which is defined in the autocliv1 package. To use this option, you can define an instance of autocliv1.ModuleOptions in your appmodule.AppModule implementation and specify the FlagOptions for the relevant service command descriptor.


autocli is a powerful tool for adding CLI interfaces to your Cosmos SDK-based applications. It allows you to easily generate CLI commands and flags from your protobuf messages, and provides many options for customising the behavior of your CLI application.

To further enhance your CLI experience with Cosmos SDK-based blockchains, you can use Hubl. Hubl is a tool that allows you to query any Cosmos SDK-based blockchain using the new AutoCLI feature of the Cosmos SDK. With hubl, you can easily configure a new chain and query modules with just a few simple commands.

For more information on Hubl, including how to configure a new chain and query a module, see the Hubl documentation.