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Version: v0.52

Inter-block Cache


The inter-block cache is an in-memory cache storing (in-most-cases) immutable state that modules need to read in between blocks. When enabled, all sub-stores of a multi store, e.g., rootmulti, are wrapped.

Overview and basic concepts


The goal of the inter-block cache is to allow SDK modules to have fast access to data that it is typically queried during the execution of every block. This is data that do not change often, e.g. module parameters. The inter-block cache wraps each CommitKVStore of a multi store such as rootmulti with a fixed size, write-through cache. Caches are not cleared after a block is committed, as opposed to other caching layers such as cachekv.


  • Store key uniquely identifies a store.
  • KVCache is a CommitKVStore wrapped with a cache.
  • Cache manager is a key component of the inter-block cache responsible for maintaining a map from store keys to KVCaches.

System model and properties


This specification assumes that there exists a cache implementation accessible to the inter-block cache feature.

The implementation uses adaptive replacement cache (ARC), an enhancement over the standard last-recently-used (LRU) cache in that tracks both frequency and recency of use.

The inter-block cache requires that the cache implementation to provide methods to create a cache, add a key/value pair, remove a key/value pair and retrieve the value associated to a key. In this specification, we assume that a Cache feature offers this functionality through the following methods:

  • NewCache(size int) creates a new cache with size capacity and returns it.
  • Get(key string) attempts to retrieve a key/value pair from Cache. It returns (value []byte, success bool). If Cache contains the key, it value contains the associated value and success=true. Otherwise, success=false and value should be ignored.
  • Add(key string, value []byte) inserts a key/value pair into the Cache.
  • Remove(key string) removes the key/value pair identified by key from Cache.

The specification also assumes that CommitKVStore offers the following API:

  • Get(key string) attempts to retrieve a key/value pair from CommitKVStore.
  • Set(key, string, value []byte) inserts a key/value pair into the CommitKVStore.
  • Delete(key string) removes the key/value pair identified by key from CommitKVStore.

Ideally, both Cache and CommitKVStore should be specified in a different document and referenced here.


Thread safety

Accessing the cache manager or a KVCache is not thread-safe: no method is guarded with a lock. Note that this is true even if the cache implementation is thread-safe.

For instance, assume that two Set operations are executed concurrently on the same key, each writing a different value. After both are executed, the cache and the underlying store may be inconsistent, each storing a different value under the same key.

Crash recovery

The inter-block cache transparently delegates Commit() to its aggregate CommitKVStore. If the aggregate CommitKVStore supports atomic writes and use them to guarantee that the store is always in a consistent state in disk, the inter-block cache can be transparently moved to a consistent state when a failure occurs.

Note that this is the case for IAVLStore, the preferred CommitKVStore. On commit, it calls SaveVersion() on the underlying MutableTree. SaveVersion writes to disk are atomic via batching. This means that only consistent versions of the store (the tree) are written to the disk. Thus, in case of a failure during a SaveVersion call, on recovery from disk, the version of the store will be consistent.


Iteration over each wrapped store is supported via the embedded CommitKVStore interface.

Technical specification

General design

The inter-block cache feature is composed by two components: CommitKVCacheManager and CommitKVCache.

CommitKVCacheManager implements the cache manager. It maintains a mapping from a store key to a KVStore.

type CommitKVStoreCacheManager interface{
cacheSize uint
caches map[string]CommitKVStore

CommitKVStoreCache implements a KVStore: a write-through cache that wraps a CommitKVStore. This means that deletes and writes always happen to both the cache and the underlying CommitKVStore. Reads on the other hand first hit the internal cache. During a cache miss, the read is delegated to the underlying CommitKVStore and cached.

type CommitKVStoreCache interface{
store CommitKVStore
cache Cache

To enable inter-block cache on rootmulti, one needs to instantiate a CommitKVCacheManager and set it by calling SetInterBlockCache() before calling one of LoadLatestVersion(), LoadLatestVersionAndUpgrade(...), LoadVersionAndUpgrade(...) and LoadVersion(version).



The method NewCommitKVStoreCacheManager creates a new cache manager and returns it.

sizeintegerDetermines the capacity of each of the KVCache maintained by the manager
func NewCommitKVStoreCacheManager(size uint) CommitKVStoreCacheManager {
manager = CommitKVStoreCacheManager{size, make(map[string]CommitKVStore)}
return manager

GetStoreCache returns a cache from the CommitStoreCacheManager for a given store key. If no cache exists for the store key, then one is created and set.

managerCommitKVStoreCacheManagerThe cache manager
storeKeystringThe store key of the store being retrieved
storeCommitKVStoreThe store that it is cached in case the manager does not have any in its map of caches
func GetStoreCache(
manager CommitKVStoreCacheManager,
storeKey string,
store CommitKVStore) CommitKVStore {

if manager.caches.has(storeKey) {
return manager.caches.get(storeKey)
} else {
cache = CommitKVStoreCacheManager{store, manager.cacheSize}
manager.set(storeKey, cache)
return cache

Unwrap returns the underlying CommitKVStore for a given store key.

managerCommitKVStoreCacheManagerThe cache manager
storeKeystringThe store key of the store being unwrapped
func Unwrap(
manager CommitKVStoreCacheManager,
storeKey string) CommitKVStore {

if manager.caches.has(storeKey) {
cache = manager.caches.get(storeKey)
} else {
return nil

Reset resets the manager's map of caches.

managerCommitKVStoreCacheManagerThe cache manager
function Reset(manager CommitKVStoreCacheManager) {

for (let storeKey of manager.caches.keys()) {


NewCommitKVStoreCache creates a new CommitKVStoreCache and returns it.

storeCommitKVStoreThe store to be cached
sizestringDetermines the capacity of the cache being created
func NewCommitKVStoreCache(
store CommitKVStore,
size uint) CommitKVStoreCache {
KVCache = CommitKVStoreCache{store, NewCache(size)}
return KVCache

Get retrieves a value by key. It first looks in the cache. If the key is not in the cache, the query is delegated to the underlying CommitKVStore. In the latter case, the key/value pair is cached. The method returns the value.

KVCacheCommitKVStoreCacheThe CommitKVStoreCache from which the key/value pair is retrieved
keystringKey of the key/value pair being retrieved
func Get(
KVCache CommitKVStoreCache,
key string) []byte {
valueCache, success := KVCache.cache.Get(key)
if success {
// cache hit
return valueCache
} else {
// cache miss
valueStore =
KVCache.cache.Add(key, valueStore)
return valueStore

Set inserts a key/value pair into both the write-through cache and the underlying CommitKVStore.

KVCacheCommitKVStoreCacheThe CommitKVStoreCache to which the key/value pair is inserted
keystringKey of the key/value pair being inserted
value[]byteValue of the key/value pair being inserted
func Set(
KVCache CommitKVStoreCache,
key string,
value []byte) {

KVCache.cache.Add(key, value), value)

Delete removes a key/value pair from both the write-through cache and the underlying CommitKVStore.

KVCacheCommitKVStoreCacheThe CommitKVStoreCache from which the key/value pair is deleted
keystringKey of the key/value pair being deleted
func Delete(
KVCache CommitKVStoreCache,
key string) {


CacheWrap wraps a CommitKVStoreCache with another caching layer (CacheKV).

It is unclear whether there is a use case for CacheWrap.

KVCacheCommitKVStoreCacheThe CommitKVStoreCache being wrapped
func CacheWrap(
KVCache CommitKVStoreCache) {

return CacheKV.NewStore(KVCache)

Implementation details

The inter-block cache implementation uses a fixed-sized adaptive replacement cache (ARC) as cache. The ARC implementation is thread-safe. ARC is an enhancement over the standard LRU cache in that tracks both frequency and recency of use. This avoids a burst in access to new entries from evicting the frequently used older entries. It adds some additional tracking overhead to a standard LRU cache, computationally it is roughly 2x the cost, and the extra memory overhead is linear with the size of the cache. The default cache size is 1000.


Dec 20, 2022 - Initial draft finished and submitted as a PR

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