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Version: v0.52


Core is package which specifies the interfaces for core components of the Cosmos SDK. Other packages in the SDK implement these interfaces to provide the core functionality. This design provides modularity and flexibility to the SDK, allowing developers to swap out implementations of core components as needed. As such it is often referred to as the Core API.


The Environment struct is a core component of the Cosmos SDK. It provides access to the core services of the SDK, such as the KVStore, EventManager, and Logger. The Environment struct is passed to modules and other components of the SDK to provide access to these services.


Historically the SDK has used an sdk.Context to pass around services and data. Environment is a newer construct that is intended to replace an sdk.Context in many cases. sdk.Context will be deprecated in the future on the same timeline as Baseapp.

Branch Service

The BranchService provides an interface to execute arbitrary code in a branched store. This is useful for executing code that needs to make changes to the store, but may need to be rolled back if an error occurs. Below is a contrived example based on the x/epoch module's BeginBlocker logic.

func (k Keeper) BeginBlocker(ctx context.Context) error {
err := k.EpochInfo.Walk(
// ...
func(key string, epochInfo types.EpochInfo) (stop bool, err error) {
// ...
if err := k.BranchService.Execute(ctx, func(ctx context.Context) error {
return k.AfterEpochEnd(ctx, epochInfo.Identifier, epochInfo.CurrentEpoch)
}); err != nil {
return true, err

Note that calls to BranchService.Execute are atomic and cannot share state with each other except when the transaction is successful. If successful, the changes made to the store will be committed. If an error occurs, the changes will be rolled back.

Event Service

The Event Service returns a handle to an EventManager which can be used to emit events. For information on how to emit events and their meaning in the SDK see the Events document.

Note that core's EventManager API is a subset of the EventManager API described above; the latter will be deprecated and removed in the future. Roughly speaking legacy EmitTypeEvent maps to Emit and legacy EmitEvent maps to EmitKV.


Gas Service

The gas service encapsulates both gas configuration and a gas meter. Gas consumption is largely handled at the framework level for transaction processing and state access but modules can choose to use the gas service directly if needed.


Header Service

The header service provides access to the current block header. This is useful for modules that need to access the block header fields like Time and Height during transaction processing.


Custom Header Service

Core's service oriented architecture (SOA) allows for chain developers to define a custom implementation of the HeaderService interface. This would involve creating a new struct that satisfies HeaderService but composes additional logic on top. An example of where this would happen (when using depinject is shown below). Note this example is taken from runtime/v2 but could easily be adapted to runtime/v1 (the default runtime 0.52). This same pattern can be replicated for any core service.


These bindings are applied to the depinject container in simapp/v2 as shown below.


Query and Message Router Service

Both the query and message router services are implementation of the same interface, router.Service.


Both are exposed to modules so that arbitrary messages and queries can be routed to the appropriate handler. This powerful abstraction allows module developers to fully decouple modules from each other by using only the proto message for dispatching. This is particularly useful for modules like x/accounts which require a dynamic dispatch mechanism in order to function.



The transaction service provides access to the execution mode a state machine transaction is running in, which may be one of Check, Recheck, Simulate or Finalize. The SDK primarily uses these flags in ante handlers to skip certain checks while in Check or Simulate modes, but module developers may find uses for them as well.

KVStore Service


The KVStore service abstracts access to, and creation of, key-value stores. Most use cases will be backed by a merkle-tree store, but developers can provide their own implementations if needed. In the case of the KVStoreService implementation provided in Environment, module developers should understand that calling OpenKVStore will return a store already scoped to the module's prefix. The wiring for this scoping is specified in runtime.